littlest library on the side of the road

My product manager interview experience with CapitalOne

The Capital One Product Management interview process is fairly standard by most big-tech PM standards (even though it is not FAANG).

It starts with a recruiter call, followed by a mini-case, and then power day (essentially 4 back to back mini-cases).

Recruiter Call

A quick 30 minute call with a recruiter touching on:

Mini Case

  1. What makes a great product manager?
  2. Case: How would you approach improving Capital One's shopping mobile app/extension/webapp?
  1. What are some strategies to best monetize this app?
  1. Personalized Email offers use browsing history to increase conversion
  1. What is the technical architecture for this app?
  1. UX critique of a design proposal of a new email offer
  1. Solving a prioritization problem with a team dependency that puts us behind by months

Now, we get prepped for Power Day!

Power Day

  1. Product Discovery case
  2. Product Case 1
  3. Product Case 2
  4. Product Skills Interview