littlest library on the side of the road

Product Management for Imposters

by Nikko Ong

There are 3 things that a Product Manager (PM) does.

  1. Find problems that affect users
  2. Help team find solution that helps users
  3. Help team ship solution

Most often, a PM works within a business that focuses on a technology product (software that people use). Within their main 3 areas of work, they are known for:

Following is a short list of ways to achieve items 1, 2, and 3:

Finding problems that affect users

For an early career PM, finding a problem (1) is done one of three ways.

  1. My boss tells me (most common)
  2. I find a small problem myself
  3. A customer tells me about a problem

Once you have problem, validate that this is an actual problem with data from actual customer usage (either quantitative data from user telemetry or qualitative data from user studies).

Finding solutions

Finding solutions (2) is really hard. You will likely not know how to solve the problems you have. Other people know, and we need to make sure that everyone agrees on the problem and then agrees on the solution.

If you have time (optional):

Create a 1-2 page specification (“spec”) draft that includes:

Some notes on writing specs:

Spec Reviews

The best pre-spec reviews happen in small rooms. If you’re in a big room and have major decisions to make, you’ve already lost.

If people have pushback:

Productive output from spec review:

Helping ship solutions (3)

Once developer work tracking items are created, the hard work is done. Take a deep breath.

Helping ship:

The PM Job

PM Secret Sauce - your special weapons